Poverty is an affliction that affects many areas across the globe. It’s a plight that doesn’t discriminate and both adults and children alike suffer as a result. In Indonesia, many school children in the Riau province face long hot days with little or no access to food and water, poor facilities and many other discomforts. Fortunately, the area has fallen under the care of legendary visionary and businessman, Mr Sukanto Tanoto and his group of companies under the RGE Group name.
Earlier in 2016, Mr Sukanto Tanoto signed an agreement with The United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The agreement stipulated the time, money and attention the foundation would dedicate to anti-poverty sustainable development support in Indonesia.
USD 220 000 Pledged Over 2 Years for Program Implementation
The Tanoto Foundation, which carries out a great deal of Mr Sukanto Tanoto‘s philanthropic activities and events, pledged USD 220 000 to be used over 2 years to implement a program that really benefits the community. The UNDP officials were exceptionally grateful for the donation and spoke very highly of the Tanoto Foundation. In a statement they said; “The agreement reflects the Foundation’s commitment to advancing human development and ending poverty in Indonesia”.
Just One of Many Philanthropic Projects for the Tanoto Foundation
This is just one of many community enhancement projects that Mr Sukanto Tanoto and his group of companies are involved in. Mr Tanoto is a man that strongly believes in giving back to the community and bettering the quality of life for those who are less fortunate. His did not have a privileged childhood and he has worked hard, applying all of his beliefs to his business dealings to ensure that his family and community can benefit.
Mr Sukanto Tanoto believes that a business is successful only if the community, country and climate have also benefited.
The Tanoto Foundation is currently involved in many educational, environmental and community programs designed to make Indonesia better, not only for himself and his family, but for all.

Tanoto Foundation Signs Agreement with UNDP for Poverty Eradication in Indonesia