If you have heard of Mr Sukanto Tanoto, you will know that he is a successful visionary and businessman in his 60s and still with big dreams ahead.
As head of the Tanoto Foundation, Mr Sukanto Tanoto has dedicated a great deal of his time, energy and finances to helping aspiring students and entrepreneurs in the Indonesian community. He is a businessman who believes in giving back to the community, and in sharing his wealth by helping others to realize their full potential through dedication, perseverance and ongoing access to good quality education. Mr Sukanto Tanoto is a man who is seen to truly practice what he preaches as his children are all skilled and experienced in the business world as a result of his leadership and guidance.
Support and guidance begins in the home
Mr Tanoto’s oldest son, Andre, is involved in running his own business and also provides a great deal of support to the Tanoto Foundation and its scholarship and education programs.
The younger siblings, Imelda Tanoto, Belinda Tanoto and Anderson Tanoto are all on the Board of the Tanoto Foundation and are also shareholders of RGE, founded by Sukanto Tanoto.
The family is the foundation of a community
This family’s togetherness and success alone goes a long way towards proving that through team work, guidance and the sharing of knowledge and education, a group (or family) can truly build a successful business and empower and uplift the surrounding community as well. To get involved in any of the community events, scholarship programs or philanthropic activities, simply visit the Tanoto Foundation website.

Sukanto Tanoto provides support and guidance to local students and entrepreneurs, starting with his children
Image Credit: Compliments of Tanoto Foundation